Moving with the Mission

Empowering Seamless IEP Transitions for All Military Children

Students with disabilities, on average, wait 4.4 months for special education services when they transfer schools as their military-connected parents and guardians move from assignment to assignment, according to Partners in Promise.

One barrier to students with disabilities receiving timely services is the lack of information about their needs contained within their Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Ensuring secure and interoperable data transfer would significantly reduce this service interruption while ensuring students' strengths are recognized and educators have the right information to personalize instruction and meet students’ needs.

Stakeholders in the K-12 education space are working together to address this need for military families, intending to support other highly mobile student populations.

Background information

For more background on Moving with the Mission, review the slides:

  1. August 15, 2024 Session

  2. September 6, 2024 Session

The Data schema

We are currently gathering feedback on the proposed Data Schema. Please review the proposed Data Schema and submit any feedback.

Helping Students Like Clare

Meet Clare. Students like her exist all over this country. Together, we are Moving with the Mission to solve this challenge.

(Click the image to enlarge and read about Clare)

Sheila Casey (pictured at right), Executive Director of Joining Forces, First Lady Jill Biden’s White House Initiative to support military and veteran families, caregivers, and survivors, spoke at EDTECHWEEK about the critical need for data interoperability and portability in digital transfers of individualized education programs (IEPs) between school districts and across state lines, as it is crucial to ensuring highly mobile students, particularly military children, have the resources they need to learn and succeed.

Interested in learning more or have any questions? Email