An average school district accesses Over 1400 edtech applications monthlY*
What could students achieve if their technology was connected and working together for their benefit? What could teachers achieve in the time-savings provided by well-connected data systems delivering accurate, actionable, real-time performance information about their students’ learning progression?
Interoperability is the seamless, secure, and controlled exchange of data between applications. Data interoperability is a powerful tool to transform teaching and learning and empower parents and students with their own data. Solving the data interoperability challenges facing districts and schools is critical to giving teachers the information they need to succeed and to enable innovation in classroom practices to help guide students on the path to graduation.
Gives Teachers Their Sundays Back.
With interoperability, teachers will save valuable time by having data right at their fingertips. Less time manually entering data means more time in the classroom.
Allows Teachers to Personalize Instruction.
When teachers have the data that they need, they can understand each student’s unique path to graduation.
Ends Data Silos.
Schools and districts can contextualize their data to better support students and improve learning practices from the classroom to the district.
Helps Administrators Deepen Coaching Relationships.
Administrators have access to better range of tools that include deeper data analytics to help support informed decisions about how to allocate resources, ensure that students are treated equitably, and address any instructional gaps within their school.
Secures Student Data.
By utilizing standardized formats, you can add clarity to data collection ad management through secure software.
Project Unicorn is a national initiative coordinated by InnovateEDU and powered by a coalition of organizations representing stakeholders across the education sector focused on the goal to optimize and radicalize education data with interoperability, Project Unicorn leads the development of events, tools, and resources to educate K-12 buyers of edtech products, bring clarity to interoperability standards, help edtech vendors meet the demand for interoperability, raise awareness of the importance of interoperability for understanding all students’ paths to graduation regardless of income or zip code, and ultimately see how interoperability can create data magic for schools and students.
Project Unicorn does not endorse a specific product or data standard but instead is an educational advocacy initiative dedicated to the secure, controlled interchange of data.
learn more about project unicoRn
Read about the origin story of Project Unicorn, learn more about the Project Unicorn Steering Committee and the organizations who are helping lead the way with interoperability, and get to know the team.
Read Up on Interoperability
Read through our crash course in interoperability and discover new resources to support each member of your team as you move towards interoperability with your school, district, or organization.
Sign the Project Unicorn Pledge
Check out the benefits of signing the Project Unicorn Pledge and see what new initiatives are available to Project Unicorn Signatories